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Monday, January 4, 2016

2016 is Going To Be Legen-Wait for it-Dary

This year is going to be big. And I mean big. Like Andre the Giant big. I’m hearing it from clients, business associates, people wild in the streets. I’m reading it in places and hearing people from all different cross-sections of life talking about how this is going to be a big year. Or maybe that’s what everyone says every year, and for some reason I just hadn’t noticed yet. I don’t think so though. I think it’s going to be a big year for the world.

At the end of the day though, it doesn’t matter what I or anyone else thinks. You can make this year a big year for you. So what are you going to create with your big year? Ask yourself, if there were no limitations on my time, what opportunities would I pursue? What options might I exercise? What paths would I go down if I weren’t playing it safe? Because there’s actually nothing holding you back from creating those opportunities. The fact that you are dreaming about them (come on, whatever came into your head when I asked those questions, that’s what I’m talking about), means that they already exist and all you have to do is choose to act and move towards them. And at the end of the day, that’s what this whole creative game is about. Creating the most fulfilling life possible while you’re here on earth.

So what turns you on? What gets you up early when you don’t have to be anywhere? What’s happening in the world that you really care about? Because here’s a secret for you, when you align your passion, with purpose that makes a difference in the world, you are well on your way to a fulfillment beyond anything you’ve ever imagined. And the most amazing thing is that when you align those forces, the universe listens, and starts to bring you everything you need to make it happen. And I’m not talking about magic or voodoo or some cray shit. I mean literally, when you align your purpose with the things you’re passionate about opportunities will show up that you couldn’t have planned for and you will start to achieve the success you’ve always wanted deep down. I’ve seen it happen over and over, and there’s been book after book written about this happening. In fact, many of the leading entrepreneurs today talk explicitly about this phenomenon. When you do what matters to you, and that helps (people, animals, the planet) you will raise your vibration and good things will start coming to you.

You may be all, raise your vibration? What’s that? Well I need to refer you to one of my favorite books “You Are A Badass” by the ever charming Jen Sincero. Of course she’s writing about “the vibration” that’s been around for ages, and she writes about it in such a way that it’s so accessible I’m stealing the shit out of it. Here’s the premise, the world and everything in it is energy (not woo woo energy, I’m talking scientific atoms and molecules) and we’re all vibrating, on a micro level. Well when we’re down in the dumps and all we can see is the negative, we’re operating at what you might call a low vibration, and that energy kind of just sits there. However, when you’re operating at a higher vibration, or taking steps to raise your vibration, well that’s straight up magnetic. You are literally attracting other high vibration individuals and opportunities to you. I know this might sound crazy, and it’s seriously not. It’s happening all around you. All I’m asking is that you stop and observe your life, maybe the lives of those around you, and see if you can see what I’m talking about. Because once you see it, you can’t un-see it. And ideally, that eye opening will inspire you to continue raising your vibration and creating more and more.

And what does all of this have to do with being creative? Creativity, the act of creating is like a uber-activity in this high vibe game called life. It’s like a self propulsion motor, because when you raise your vibration creating comes naturally, and the more you create the higher your vibration will get. So I’m very into the vibration game. And I want to get you turned on to it too. So here’s a few things you can do to start attuning yourself to your vibration.
  1. Try a bunch of stuff to help you start your day off at a high vibration. A few old standbys I like are taking a cold shower,laughing meditation, or a dance meditation. This is my favorite, because it’s so easy and fast. Put on one song that you love to shake your booty to, play it loud and dance your ass off while letting yourself feel whatever’s there to feel. Vibration raised.
  2. Observe the people you associate with. Where’s their vibe at? If you’re looking to raise yours then you want to surround yourself with people who are vibrating at your level or higher. Might be time for some new associates.
  3. Get really aware of your rhythms throughout the day. There’s likely a time of day where you slow down and get introspective or quieter. Don’t let this bring your vibe down. Be aware and do it intentionally, knowing your powering down so you can keep your vibration going for the rest of the day. Breaks are necessary.
  4. Get conscious about what you’re putting in your body. I’m not saying don’t drink coffee, or do, or don’t eat sugar, or do. I’m saying raise your awareness about what the effects within your body are of what you’re putting in there. Because all of that affects your vibration as well. If you’re on a sugar or caffeine high (again, no judgement, just facts) it’s very likely you’re going to crash. That can be bad, or worse. And in the worst case, if you’re not conscious about it, it can drop your vibration in a big way. So make choices that allow you to be at the highest vibration possible at all times.
  5. Consume consciously. Beyond what you eat or drink, remember that you’re consuming all the time. When you watch shows, or movies, or the music you’re listening to can also have a strong effect on your vibration. And I’m certainly not here to tell you what to watch or listen to, I’m simply suggesting that you pay close attention to the effect what you are consuming with your eyes and ears has on your vibration. And go ahead and listen to or watch stuff (at least some of the time) that raises that thing. Sometimes (and I may just be crazy) I’ll listen to a song on repeat simply because of how good it makes me feel. Nothing wrong with that. In fact I have whole playlists dedicated to raising my vibration. Music is some powerful stuff. Use it.

In short, there’s lots you can do to create an amazing life in 2016. So are you ready? What do you want to create this year? I’ve put together a little mad-lib style worksheet you can use to help you transition into this new year. Download that here and let me know what you thought in the comments. And enjoy creating the life of your dreams!

P.S. Yes, the title is a How I Met Your Mother reference. But I’ll get to that later.

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