So, twenty thirteen. I'm declaring this:
The Year of Responsibility and Prosperity
(With a Helping of Abundance)
My intentions for the year fall into several basic categories.
- Be more responsible in the following areas: Work, As a Father, As a Partner and as a spiritual seeker.
- This also means to become MUCH more financially responsible.
- This includes becoming D E B T F R E E. Big goal. More on that later.
- As I mentioned before, I have come forward in my life considerably in the last few years, and there has been some time this last year or so that I've been more focused within. It's time to start coming out again. This blog will be one of the vehicles I'll use to do that.
- Create More. I want to spend more time in my creativity than in management or suffering avoidance.
- Along with the creating, I want to play more. Really play, like a child. With a child.
- With the two above, I want to stay loose. I tend to bear down and get all uptight. Less of that. More flexibility.
- Exercise more. Eat less.
- Meditate play dance cry laugh cook connect.
- Play More. As above, I tend to be a taxi driver, cook, helper, motivator or shepherd, and I want to spend more time being with her. Playing with her. Exploring with her.
- The focus of my energy with her is to raise her up. Not to come down on her or be an overbearing force in her life. I want to help her find the wind beneath her wings and see her take flight.
- And I really need to watch my reactions with her. I am finding when I tune in to her, with her, etc. that she often, or more often than it's actually true, she thinks I'm upset with her. That's my responsibility.
- And similarly, I am pondering what my actions say to her. This is a new level of awareness I'm trying to develop. More on that below.
- Be more playful and less serious. It's so easy to get wrapped up in things and to forget to play.
- We're setting off this year intending to meditate together at least once a week. And with the kids a few times a month or as it feels right.
- Take our kids into consideration in a whole new way.
- Be more vulnerable.
- Exercise more, eat at home, read and talk.
- Get back to my daily practice. I'll write more about this in the coming weeks. Chiefly, begin and end the day intentionally and with God.
- Meditate. Every. Day.
- Keep DJing and participating in classes.
- Keep bringing the tools and teachings of the path I'm on out to the world.
- This is the year of getting my career completely back on track.
- This is an area where I desire to become much more responsible. This will include being more proactive about communications, timing, setting expectations, tracking time, etc.
- It's time to get my social presence out there, finish the web site, and begin networking in a much more aggressive way here in Boulder.
- This is the obvious area for me to really engage my creativity, and get myself out there as an artist, as a thinker, as a creative person.
One of the key points I've been getting to after going over this list for the last week or so and sharing with a few people is this notion of being responsible to others. Considering others. This is a rich topic, which I'd like to write more about later, and what I want to say here is that it is by considering others that we find our own true work. If I make other people's well being and interests more important than my own, or at the very least be willing to truly consider them, then that is the work I want to be doing in my heart. It is not easy, at least for me. I am finding as I lean into this that it often leads to sacrifice. Mostly of what my preferences are. And that is where the really good stuff starts to happen.
Rock on LoveJoy! Insprired me to be more curious about the intentions arising for me this year...
Thank you, Ben, for the vulnerability that's is contained here. Especially with regard to perceived limitations.
My prime thought is around sustainability and success. It is said, these goals are tough to achieve, unless they are specific, observable and measurable. You have both a tall order list, and one that may be high-level in terms of specifics. "Wanting to meditate with your partner once/week" is clearly measurable and observable; "getting your soical presence out there" maybe less so.
Anywho, just trying to support your goal attainment. It is also said that making resolutions and goals transparent with others, is conducive to increased success. That you have now done;)
The Love & Joy of Ben... thanks, just read all, good intentions, have fun, keep showing up. I've keep journals for each of my girls, I write to them every few months, I'll give them to the girls when they are 21 (for RG that in like just over 3 years - yikes)!
I write about most things, it's a way for me to communicate now, say what I want and need to knowing they'll get it later, they will remember many of the events, they'll also see ways I steering them... don't go that way, this works, this isn't, try this way - it seems to work well for you.
Seems like a good investment.
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