Up is a photo project I've been working on and I'm intrigued by the results. I've been taking shots with the camera parallel to the ground, making sure not to look at the viewfinder beforehand, and paying minimal attention to what's above me. The extent to which I'm paying attention to it is really limited to making sure I'm not standing under a bridge, heavy tree cover, tall buildings, etc. For the most part it's sky. It started one day when I was in the passenger seat in Mary's car and the sky was incredible, so I stuck the camera out the window, held it straight up and shot. And I liked what I saw. I also liked the randomness of it. So I took a few more. And when they were in the camera they kind of looked the same. Then I got them into iPhoto, looked at them together and it was amazing how different they all were. Not only because some had little snippets of buildings or wires, the blues themselves were so different, and beautiful. So, here it is, in its infancy, UP. I'll keep shooting these and figure out something to do with them later. Click the photo above or visit my Flickr set of the project.
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